Notice: We are pleased to report that our EveryWare platform version 3.3 has been successfully implemented, bringing a host of improvements. You may need to refresh your web browser and/or clear your cache to see all updates. If you experience any issues, please reach out to

A photo of EveryWareEveryWare EcosystemPatient Doctor Illustration
  • A photo of EveryWare
  • EveryWare Ecosystem
  • Patient Doctor Illustration


Making Connected Care more Insightful At Breas, we know that ageing populations and modern lifestyles can lead to healthcare access, resources and budgets being stretched to crisis point. Patients with chronic respiratory conditions compound the situation, often requiring multi-disciplinary teams and support mechanisms to manage them effectively.

Remote technology has the opportunity to not only enhance patient’s quality of life and make their treatment more effective, but also help plan interactions with patients more effectively, cutting out needless and inconvenient travelling.

By enabling the provision of care outside of the hospital, the aim of EveryWare is to help make a more productive use of healthcare resources and reduce expensive secondary care admissions.

Technical specification for EveryWare